
Announcement of Company Name Change and Novation of Agreements

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April 1st 2024

Dear Partners,

Subject: Announcement of Company Name Change and Novation of Agreements

We are pleased to announce that effective As of today, the legal name of our company will be changed from EQB to Data Motion. This change reflects our ongoing commitment to enhancing our brand identity and better aligning it with our core values and business objectives.

With this name change, we want to inform you that all agreements previously entered into with EQB will now be transferred to and assumed by Data Motion through a process called novation. This means that all rights, obligations, and liabilities under these agreements will remain unchanged, except that they will now be between your company and Data Motion instead of EQB.

We assure you that this transition will not affect the terms or conditions of the agreements in any way, and we remain fully committed to fulfilling our obligations under them. Our team is dedicated to ensuring a seamless transition process, and we are available to address any questions or concerns you may have regarding this change.

We sincerely appreciate your continued partnership and support throughout this transition period. Should you have any inquiries or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact Emiliano Roberti.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and we look forward to continuing our successful collaboration under our new identity as Data Motion.

Warm regards,

Emiliano Roberti

CTO, Data Motion Ltd.

Posted Date

April 1, 2024